You’re tired of condoms, missed birth control pills, and pregnancy scares. No matter the reason you’ve decided not to have children, you need an effective form of birth control so you’re considering a vasectomy. With over 500,000 being performed each year, vasectomies are a popular form of birth control; they are over 99% effective, affordable, low risk and permanent (unless you choose a reversal procedure).
How foolproof are vasectomies? According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, vasectomies are the most effective permanent form of birth control, at 99.85% effective.
At least half of pregnancies that occur following a vasectomy are the result of not following up with the urologist afterward to ensure the procedure was successful. By simply following up with Dr. Avila about two months after your vasectomy to determine if sperm is still present, you will greatly reduce the risk of your partner becoming pregnant.
The only form of permanent birth control that is more successful than a vasectomy is abstinence. It has been said that nothing in life is certain besides death and taxes, and with birth control the only 100% certain way to prevent pregnancy is to not have sex. When that is not the option you want to go with, a vasectomy is the most reliable and easy way to prevent pregnancy.
If you’re considering a vasectomy, Dr. Desi Avila is the leading Phoenix-area expert in the no-scalpel no-needle vasectomy. Call his office today for a consultation at (480) 961-2323, or request an appointment online.