If your primary care doctor has referred you to visit a urologist due to symptoms you have been having, it’s important to know about that specialty and what to expect during your visit. Urology focuses on the care of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, the prostate gland, and your reproductive health. For instance, the urinary tract is responsible for storing and releasing urine (liquid waste), as well as keeping the right balance of water and chemicals in our body. A urologist is also a specialist in men’s health concerns, from erectile dysfunction to low testosterone, so you should feel comfortable discussing your concerns with the doctor.
While visiting the doctor can sometimes be an unnerving experience, doing research beforehand and being prepared can help reduce nervousness about going to the urologist. Prior to your visit to the urologist, it is helpful to understand what a urologist is, about the urologist you are seeing, and to make a list of any questions that you would like answered during your consultation.
To take the mystery out of what else to expect out of your urology appointment, here is a guide:
1. During your visit to the urologist, as part of the consultation, the doctor will learn all they can about you and your medical history. They will ask you about the symptoms that you may be experiencing, and any environmental or lifestyle factors that may be important.
2. You will be asked to provide a urine sample, so try not to show up to the appointment with an empty bladder. Inform the office of any urological conditions that are pre-existing that may prevent you from being able to provide a sample.
3. Your urologist will perform a physical exam. This exam will focus on the kidneys, bladder, adrenal glands, urethra, and reproductive organs. Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing, additional tests may be performed in order for the urologist to make an accurate diagnosis.
4. Following the physical exam, your urologist will discuss a plan of action that may involve devising a treatment plan, if necessary. This may entail prescribing medication, additional testing, or recommending a surgical procedure. To ensure that you have all the necessary details, you should come to the appointment with a list of questions to ask your urologist for further discussion.
If you would like more information about urology or have any further questions or concerns, call Ironwood Urology at (480) 961-2323 to request an appointment with Dr. Desi Avila, or request an appointment online.