In 1965, Congress passed a law requiring that cigarette packaging distributed within the United States carry a warning that cigarettes are bad for your health. That warning states that “Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.” Over the years, we have heard testimonials and seen evidence that smoking – including all
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What Increases the Risk of Male Infertility?
About 30% of all infertility cases are partially or fully due to male infertility. Genetics, environment, and one’s own behaviors can all be contributing factors to a man’s fertility. In order for a couple to conceive, the male must produce sperm that is healthy enough to thrive and make its long journey to the female’s
Read MoreHow Can Dr. Avila Improve Your Sex Life?
Sex is an integral part of our romantic relationships. If you are having trouble in this department, see a medical professional who can help you get real results fast. Here’s how Dr. Desiderio Avila Jr., an experienced urologist, can change your sex life for the better. Check Underlying Problems Having underlying health issues can be
Read MoreLow Testosterone Levels and Treatment
Testosterone is the main male hormone, just as estrogen is the main female hormone. That said, males have a small amount of estrogen in their bodies, and females likewise have some testosterone. The high level of testosterone makes males look and sound the way they do: strong muscles, deep voice, facial hair, and so on
Read MoreBest Treatments for ED
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as a man’s inability to maintain an erection. There are multiple causes of erectile dysfunction, but the most common reasons for the condition are related to other health conditions in the body that can lead to ED. These include poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and heart
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