Erectile dysfunction can affect men of any age, and it’s never a good time. While the condition is most notably thought to affect older men, the truth is that young men, middle-aged men and yes, older men, can all experience the effects of erectile dysfunction. While it may be caused by a treatable condition like
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Can Your Laptop Cause Male Infertility
If you and your partner are having issues conceiving, it might not always be due to female fertility issues; well over 2 million men are diagnosed with male infertility every year in the US. While the causes may include issues with semen production, sperm transport, or ejaculation issues, a few simple lifestyle changes can make
Read MorePeyronie’s Disease vs Congenital Penile Curvature
Men want to be both intimate and confident in the bedroom. But a variety of physical complications can stymie those desires. While a slight curve to the penis is perfectly normal – and research indicates as many as 3 percent of all men have some degree of it – when the curvature is severe, it
Read MoreWhat is the Vasectomy Failure Rate
You might have reached an age when you and your partner are deciding that you don’t want any more children – or maybe you never did. Whatever your reason, a vasectomy is an easy procedure that can prevent your sperm from fertilizing the egg of your female partner. The doctor does this by cutting the
Read MoreThe Link Between Celiac Disease and Male Infertility
If you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease, it’s important to talk to a qualified urologist about whether your fertility is affected by the condition. There already is extensive medical research showing a link between celiac disease and female infertility. A few studies show that celiac disease – a disease characterized by the significant sensitivity to
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