Finding out that you are going to have a baby can come as the most exciting, relieving news, especially when a couple has been trying for months, even years, for success. There are many reasons why becoming pregnant isn’t always easy, but one of the most common reasons is lack of sleep. Why are women
Read MoreMyths of Prostate Cancer
One in nine men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. With statistics like this, prostate cancer has reached near epidemic proportions. A more encouraging statistic is that, if it is detected early, when it’s still within the prostate gland, prostate cancer has cure rates above 90 percent. Like with all chronic
Read MoreDon’t Procrastinate with Pelvic Pain
When you were a child, probably a week didn’t go by when you didn’t complain of having tummy ache. Your mom might have given you coke syrup, given you a pep talk before a big test, or perhaps even scolded you for eating too much of the pizza. But as you got older, you began
Read MoreHow to Properly Treat a Kidney Stone
Robert has been through a lot. Four years in Army special forces and 30 years as a museum specialist. Robert has had his share of injuries, bangs and bruises, but will swear that there was nothing more painful than the time he had to pass a kidney stone. Robert will tell you that there are
Read MoreHydration the Key to Unlocking Urological Problems
In 1834, British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge penned “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the tale of a seasoned, salty sailor who regales a fellow wedding guest with his account of a life on the seas. His story is both fascinating and tragic. Imagine, only salt water for miles – water everywhere – but not
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