Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testicles that stimulates sperm production and sex drive and also assists in the growth of muscle and bone mass. Decreasing levels of testosterone as you age is a common and very much normal part of getting older. However, if testosterone levels drop too low, you may be diagnosed
Read MoreVasectomy Reversal FAQs
Do you feel like your family isn’t quite complete and regret your previous decision to have a vasectomy? You may be thinking that it’s too late and that you won’t be able to conceive the traditional way. The great news is that with a vasectomy reversal, you and your partner should be able to successfully
Read MoreShould I Use a Home Sperm Test Kit After a Vasectomy?
If you’re one of the many men across the Phoenix area that avoid going to the doctor unless you’re seriously ill or injured, you’ve probably considered not returning to Dr. Avila for your post-vasectomy sperm analysis (PVSA). Typically, it takes 20 – 25 ejaculations to completely flush sperm out of your system after your procedure,
Read MoreWhat is the Sperm Switch?
Have you ever considered having a vasectomy, but changed your mind because you’d prefer a less permanent option? Would you like to have the option to turn your sperm flow on and off at your will? Well, there is a new male contraceptive procedure currently in the works offering exactly that, and board-certified male fertility
Read MoreCan a Vasectomy Reversal Be an Effective Solution For Post-Vasectomy Pain?
Hundreds of thousands of men have vasectomies every year. If you are one of them, you know that vasectomies are a very effective and minimally invasive form of male birth control – much less invasive than the alternative for your partner. During a vasectomy, a small part of the vas deferens, a long tube which
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