Choosing to have a life-changing, body-altering procedure if you aren’t positive you won’t change your mind later on in life is a scary decision to make. If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo you didn’t like, or a piercing that just didn’t quite suit you, you know that certain types of procedures once considered permanent can
Read MoreAre Vasectomies Foolproof?
You’re tired of condoms, missed birth control pills, and pregnancy scares. No matter the reason you’ve decided not to have children, you need an effective form of birth control so you’re considering a vasectomy. With over 500,000 being performed each year, vasectomies are a popular form of birth control; they are over 99% effective, affordable,
Read MoreLittle Miracles: Successful Vasectomy Reversals
Whatever decision led to your previous vasectomy, at the time you were confident that it was the right choice. But now your life circumstances have changed – maybe you got a promotion, your kids have gotten older (and easier), you remarried, or you simply changed your mind on desiring children which you never thought you’d
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Your Vasectomy
After a lot of research and a consultation with renowned urologist Dr. Desi Avila, you’ve made the decision to have a vasectomy. You have the date circled on your calendar, and you’ve put in your request for time off from work. Now what? While Dr. Avila will give your pre-op instructions to you at your
Read MoreAre You a Good Candidate for a Vasectomy Reversal?
Vasectomies are generally regarded as permanent contraceptive procedures, but few things in life are permanent. There are a variety of reasons why men or couples want to restore fertility; there may be a desire for more children with a new partner after a break-up or remarriage, or there simply may be a change of heart
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