Peyronie’s Disease is an abnormal bend or curvature of the penis caused by plaque buildup, scar tissue, and inflammation. Having Peyronie’s Disease can make it difficult to get and maintain an erection and can prevent you from being able to have sex. An estimated 5-10 percent of the male population suffer from Peyronie’s Disease, although
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Can Viagra and Other Drugs Help Me?
There they are: loving couples walking on a moonlit beach, sipping chardonnay, gazing knowingly into each other’s eyes. Who hasn’t seen those TV and internet advertisements for erectile dysfunction (ED) medications such as Viagra and Cialis? “If you are suffering from ED, now’s the time to speak with your doctor,” the announcer says. In the
Read MoreHow Does Peyronie’s Disease Affect Your Life?
5-10% of men have been diagnosed with a urological condition called Peyronie’s Disease in the United States. This number is not exact, and is probably higher, as due to embarrassment, many men do not seek help for this problem. It is classified as a sexual dysfunction disorder, but the truth is, it causes more than
Read MoreMen Can Get a UTI Too
Biologically, men and woman are very different. But that doesn’t mean they can’t share a number of common ailments. Regarding urinary tract infections (UTI) the majority of suffers (about 96%) are women; that means that men can get a UTI too. What is a UTI? Your urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and
Read MoreABCs of BPH
As men get older, BPH, short for benign prostatic hyperplasia, can start to affect your prostate gland and cause uncomfortable symptoms. This condition will often continue to develop, making it difficult for urine to flow from your bladder, causing pain, discomfort, and a host of other issues with your bladder, urinary tract, and kidneys –
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