Why Men Experiencing ED Should Talk to Their Doctors Men should definitely discuss with their doctor, any problems they are having achieving and maintaining an erection. It is important to get a clear diagnosis to determine the cause of this condition not only to help resolve sexual difficulties, but also because there are treatments readily
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PostOp Care: Recovery after a Vasectomy Reversal
WHAT TO EXPECT DURING POST OP RECOVERY A good vasectomy reversal surgery is characterized by adequate post-op care. Your urological surgeon and team of health professionals will provide you with detailed instructions to follow after your vasectomy reversal surgery. It is important that you follow those instructions. But, for those wondering what lies ahead as
Read MoreTreating ED: More Than Just Your Sex Life
While erectile dysfunction (ED) is often treated as a taboo subject, it is hardly rare. In fact, beginning at age 40, men increasingly experience some form of sexual dysfunction. There are a number of reasons associated with ED, and not all of them are what come to mind when someone first experience symptoms. To develop
Read MoreA Closer Look at What Causes Infertility
Having a baby is a joyous moment in life, and finding out your pregnant is a very exciting experience. However, trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant and not knowing the reasons behind it can be devastating. Couples struggling with infertility can often feel depressed and lonely, especially when it seems like everyone they know is expecting a baby.
Read MoreUnexpected Facts About Urology
There is a whole medical field focused on the health of the urinary and male reproductive system, called urology. Urology focuses on the care of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, the prostate gland, and your reproductive health. Urologists can diagnose, treat, and monitor disorders of the urinary tract and the external genital organs, which can
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