Is your penis crooked? Does it curve or bend noticeably to the right or left when you have an erection? For men, it is normal for your penis to have a slight curve to it, but if it is significantly crooked, and interferes with your ability to be intimate, and have sexual intercourse, it is
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Why You Don’t have to be Embarrassed about ED
What Factors Influence Sexual Function in Men? Sexual function in men is influenced by a number of interacting variables. Normal function requires appropriate responses from the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and psychological systems. When one or more of these components are compromised in some way, the result can be diminished sexual capacity in one form or
Read MoreTesticular Cancer and Your Urologist
What is Testicular Cancer and what are the symptoms? Testicles are male reproductive organs that make sperm and testosterone, and are located within the scrotum. Testicular cancer occurs when cancer cells develop within one or both of the testicles. There are different types of testicular cancer, but 95% of all cases develop from germ cells,
Read MoreI Have Prostate Cancer: What Should I Expect?
What is Prostate Cancer? The prostate is a small gland in men that is located below the bladder and above the rectum. Its function is to produce fluid that helps carry sperm during ejaculation. It is wrapped around the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine form the bladder out through an opening at
Read MoreHow Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Male Infertility?
Infertility is defined by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine as when a couple is unsuccessful at conceiving a baby (becoming pregnant) within a one-year period of having regular sexual intercourse without the use of birth control. It may come as a surprise, but infertility actually affects about 15 percent of couples trying to conceive.
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