Vasectomy is a male sterilization procedure that involves cutting or clamping the tubes that carry sperm (vas deferens) to prevent it from traveling through and mixing with semen during ejaculation. The procedure is deemed the most effective permanent method of male contraception, with a success rate of close to 95 percent. Nonetheless, even with this
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Vasectomy: Procedure Details
A vasectomy is a safe and effective method of permanent male birth control. With today’s advances in this surgery, a vasectomy can now be performed with no needles and without a scalpel – thereby reducing the chances of postoperative complications, and allowing a much quicker recovery. How a vasectomy works is by your urologist cutting or
Read MoreMost Costly Mistakes Men Make When Getting a Vasectomy
A vasectomy is a safe and effective method of permanent male birth control, as it is almost 100% effective. Thanks to advances in medicine, the procedure can be carried out even more quickly and easily than ever before – and right in the comfort of your urologist’s office. The procedure also has a low risk of
Read MoreHow can a urological surgeon help you decide if a vasectomy is the right choice for you?
Every year, approximately half a million American males choose to have a vasectomy. A vasectomy is a type of permanent birth control. To achieve it, a urology surgeon either cuts or seals off the tubes that sperm pass through during ejaculation. It is extremely effective, even more effective than birth control pills, condoms, and spermicide,
Read MoreCommon Side Effects from Having a Vasectomy
A vasectomy is the safest and most effective type of permanent birth control for men. Plus, it can now be performed in such a minimally invasive manner that you don’t even need stitches. In a no-scalpel vasectomy, the doctor makes a tiny puncture into the scrotal sac and spreads the skin open slightly to access
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