A urologist is a doctor whose focus is on diagnosing and treating issues affecting the urinary tract – and, in men, also the reproductive organs. Every man should have a urologist just like every woman should have a gynecologist. Men are best treated by urologists who specialize in men’s health issues. Let’s talk about some
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When Your Wife Wants Kids but You’ve Already had a Vasectomy
Did you know that up to 10% of vasectomy patients change their minds and opt for vasectomy reversal? So if your wife now wants to have kids after you’ve already undergone a vasectomy, you can seek advice from a urological surgeon to see if you’re a candidate for this procedure. Your doctor can perform tests
Read MoreFacts You Should Know Before Having a Vasectomy
A vasectomy is a birth control method for men. It is a small surgical procedure that prevents sperm from exiting the body, thus preventing the possibility of fertilizing a woman’s egg. A vasectomy is a highly popular, safe, and effective procedure. For men who do not want children at all or are done having children,
Read MoreWhat Procedures Do Urological Surgeons Perform?
Urologists and urological surgeons do a lot more than just treat the urinary tract. They also perform vasectomies, reverse vasectomies, and penile implant treatments to help men with their sexual health. You undoubtedly know about how an enlarged prostate due to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) can create problems with urinating. This is an easy way
Read MoreNo-Scalpel vs. Conventional Vasectomy
Men who have decided that they no longer want to have children may decide to get a vasectomy. A vasectomy severs and blocks the sperm ducts that enable the passage of sperm during ejaculation. Your body will still produce semen, but the semen will no longer contain sperm once you have healed after the procedure.
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